
Financial Data

Financial Position / Cash Flows

Financial Position

Millons of yen, rounded down

FY2020/3 FY2021/3 FY2022/3 FY2023/3 FY2024/3
Working capital*1 83,066 80,892 72,912 53,307 73,377
Interest-bearing debt*2 1,363 6,604 2,005 1,855 27,042
Debt to equity ratio 0 0 0 0 0.1
  • *1 Working capital comprise current assets less current liabilities.
  • *2 Interest bearing debt includes long- and short-term debt, leasing obligations, and other interest-bearing debt.

Cash Flows

Millons of yen, rounded down

FY2020/3 FY2021/3 FY2022/3 FY2023/3 FY2024/3
Operating cash flows 40,449 30,450 22,327 19,310 24,350
Investing cash flows (13,462) (32,069) 3,643 (20,329) (35,307)
Financing cash flows (6,278) (7,635) (25,168) (20,004) 16,850

Shareholder Returns

FY2020/3 FY2021/3 FY2022/3 FY2023/3 Y2024/3
Annual dividend per share(Yen) 50.00 50.00 52.00 52.00 56.00
Total share repurechase amount (Million yen) 11,999 11,999
Total return ratio(%) 38.1 37.8 103.7 125.3 35.2

Investment and depreciation

Millons of yen, rounded down

FY2020/3 FY2021/3 FY2022/3 FY2023/3 Y2024/3
Research and development costs 2,745 2,706 3,319 3,681 3,910
Capital expenditures 9,004 11,341 13,515 26,716 31,187
Depreciation and amortization 8,449 9,051 9,189 10,047 10,594
To Pagetop